Refinancing a loan is when you take on a new loan and use it to refinance or pay out an existing loan. People generally do this to find a lower interest rate and save themselves some money while paying off any long-standing debts. If you’re not sure who you can rely on to help with personal loan refinancing, consider FinanceBeagle. Our team are specialists in assisting with financing and refinancing, meaning we work closely alongside you from start to finish, ensuring you get the best solution at an awesome rate.
At FinanceBeagle, we have a platform that boasts over 30 reputable lenders waiting to provide you with market leading rates, and with our years of experience in the loan financing industry, we are confident in our ability to get you where you want to be.
Want to save your money while refinancing? Get in touch with FinanceBeagle on 1300 225 525 today to speak to a specialised loan broker about the best solution for you.
Why Should I Refinance?
Before you consider refinancing, it’s imperative that you consider all variables beforehand. Ensure you have an understanding of fees that may be involved, such as exit penalties or even establishment costs, as these may offset any savings of what could be a lower interest rate.
Improved Credit Score
If your credit score has improved over the last 12 months, you may be eligible for a refinance loan that provides better terms at a lower rate. Regularly watching your credit score to know how it’s looking will allow you to see whether it’s slowly improving. If it’s looking good, give FinanceBeagle a call to discuss refinancing.
Better Rates
If you’ve found a better deal than your current loan product, take a look at our repayment calculator to compare the new product, and something that FinanceBeagle could potentially offer. We do our best to dig up the best refinancing solutions for our customers. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Give us a call!
Debt Consolidation
If the aim of a refinance loan is to consolidate your debts, it’s important you do thorough research and calculations. If you’re not sure how to go about doing this, or you’re wanting to ensure you’re getting the right figure or solution every time, FinanceBeagle will be able to help find the right debt consolidation loan for you.